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Other Creative Works 

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Conversations We Never Had As People We Will Never Be

Sound Designer |  Orange Moon Theatre Company | February 2023-August 2023

I employed the role of sound designer for this piece of new writing which previewed at the Lion and Unicorn Theatre, then underwent a week long run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2023. 


‘Gina and Frankie are given thirty minutes to decide whether or not to erase their relationship from their memories, forever. Witness all the conversations that you wish you could have as people you will never be’.


Co-Founder  |  2022 - present 

"BossyBitchProductions" is a theatre company, founded by myself and two other University of Exeter students. Our mission statement is to create "femme, fiery, thought-provoking theatre". After our participation in the #femifringe movement, during Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2022, we formed to  uplift femme voices. Our current project is a piece of new writing by two femme creators which we are putting through a process of Research and Development in Exeter.



Sound Designer | 2023

As well as directing this production, I took up the role of sound designer, to bring the conception of the creature to life. This project infused a heavy score of both ultra-synthetic and natural sounds to emulate the creature's conflicting experience of the natural and humanity. I live-editted elements of this score during the rehearsal process as we devised the movement of the ensemble. 

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The Last Words 

Sound Designer | 2022 

This project involved a blend of pre-recorded scripted lines as well as a naturalistic accompanying score. I heavily experimented with panning and distortion effects to emulate the piecing together of protagonist Becca's life. 

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RISE Career Day

Co-Producer | 2021

As part of this project, I facilitated the role of Co-Designer and Co-Producer of "RISE"; a 2-day festival designed to offer advice and networking to early career artists in the creative sector. My role involved being facilitator for industry-professional Q&A's as well as contributing to the "RISE" legacy docment, designed to encapsulate the teachings of the festival. 

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